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Five Ways Large Restaurant Chains Innovate

Restaurant Chains Innovate to ensure quality, safety, exceptional customer service. provides highest return on investment for fast-casual.

Five Ways Large Restaurant Chains Innovate


Hospitality Tech Magazine recently published an article by Mitch Porche, our CEO on the Five Ways Large Restaurant Chains Innovate and what provides the highest return on investment for fast-casual and quick-service chains.

Here's an excerpt:

The use of technology is fairly ubiquitous across the restaurant industry today, but larger organizations must contend with many variables that smaller, regional chains don’t have to. For example, restaurant companies that own and operate multiple brands not only need to adhere to regulatory standards, but also they must deal with complexities related to scaling, communicating, and executing on brand standards, guest experience, worker and workplace safety, food safety, supplier management, and product recalls. Adding to these complexities are evolving COVID-19-related health and safety requirements, which vary widely from state-to-state and even county-to-county.

As these larger restaurant companies manage operations and supply chains, scaling as they add new locations and integrate new brands into their portfolios, technology plays a key role in ensuring each location is providing consistent quality, safety and exceptional customer service. In turn, brands are rewarded with increased efficiency, and ultimately, a boost in profitability.

You can check out all of CMX's articles on Hospitality Tech Magazine here.