CMX1 Deep Dives Webinar |
Automate recall management to act fast, save money, & protect your brand

Recalls are an inevitable component of business today, and managing them is often a laborious, time consuming, and costly process that doesn’t provide a clear-cut roadmap for ongoing resolution across impacted parties. But with the right solution, organizations can more easily & confidently manage recall events to act fast, ensure the safety of customers, and ultimately protect the bottom line.
In this webinar, CMX1's risk management experts share a deep dive into how customers are using the platform's recently-enhanced recall module to more efficiently & successfully manage events. Panelists showcase everything from collaborative investigation processes to the tools available for managing notifications and response, as well as demonstrate how users can action monitoring + reporting. Discover why CMX1's platform is the industry-leading recall management solution for automating all stages of a recall event.
In this deep-dive session learn:
- How to manage an event from notification all the way through close
- Text, voice, and notification setup & tracking
- Response form setup & tracking for overall effectiveness
- Engagement of field leadership and other key parties
- Integration with point of sale and other key systems
- BI reports and more!
Chris Rice:
Okay, let's get started. Hello everyone. My name is Chris Rice. I'm CMX's Chief Product Officer. First off, I wanted to thank everybody for taking the time out of your busy schedules to join us today. We're so excited to present the third installment of our deep dive webinar series, which today is on recall management. Recall management is a part of the CMX platform we've been investing in heavily and where we see a huge opportunity to help our customers. A lot of great innovation to share today. Like our previous two deep dive webinars, we're targeting roughly an hour in duration, although it could be plus or minus 10 minutes. We'll start with roughly 10 to 15 minutes of slides and we'll finish up with a product demo including BI and analytics. If you do have to drop off or if you have colleagues that couldn't make it, we will make a recording available and we'll send out a link.
So reach out to our CS or sales or marketing team for that. And if you want to check out the prior two deep dive webinars we've done on incidents and policy management, we can also send out a link for those. In terms of today, if questions arise, we're going to be monitoring the chat and we'll do our best to answer them there. Or at the end of the presentation we may do a little verbal answering and if we can't get to it, we'll answer it in the next couple of days. So without further ado, let me introduce our presenters today.
First up, we have Ben Terris. Ben's our senior product manager for recall management. Ben brings a wealth of experience having worked with many of the top restaurants and grocery chains on recall. Ben will be driving the slides and talking about some of our recent innovation, and then Jeremy Thomas, who goes by JT as he'll remind everybody, our senior sales engineer, JT has been working in the food and hospitality quality and compliance space for, gosh, 25 years, few people at CMX know our software better, so we're all in very good hands with JT for the product demo. So with that, Ben, I'll toss it over to you to take us through the deck.
Ben Terris:
Thank you, Chris. And hello everyone. All right, well, recalls are an unavoidable element of business striking at any time and rapidly evolving. They impact your bottom line as revenues declined due to a loss of inventory and expenses surge. Given the cost of disposal, communication and outreach, logistics and regulatory oversight, they impact your supply chain. As partners are reassessed in change management results in midterm inventory delays, they impact your brand as customer loyalty is called into question due to a loss of confidence in the products you sell, but most importantly, they could impact your customers as foodborne illnesses and contaminants threaten the lives of those who consume your products.
Next slide. Many of these risks can be mitigated early on even before a recall event is considered. CMX1 can help you with that. With our product module, you can build well-defined product specifications with attention to the details surrounding labeling, packaging, ingredients, allergens and product standards. The outcome ensures a blueprint where suppliers and your quality assurance teams can agree on desired outcomes. With our onboarding module, partners are validated through a customized onboarding experience that facilitates the collection and tracking of important documents, audits, contacts and details that support your ongoing business needs. This process allows you to grow sustainable relationships with your partners, qualify those relationships and otherwise build a lasting supply chain network. And then with our product evaluations and lab test modules, your quality assurance teams can define product standards against the products you sell. Once those standards are defined, whether physical, sensory, microbial or otherwise sample data can be collected and evaluated and past failure rates calculated in the system to offer ongoing assurance that products are meeting their desired success thresholds.
Even with systems in place to define and adhere to quality standards recall events will happen and it's absolutely imperative to the health of your business and your customers that you are well prepared. When implementing a system to support your recall needs, here are a few points that you may want to consider: sounding the alarm. Have you implemented early warning systems to alert your team when issues arise? Are your partners and staff encouraged and empowered to communicate those issues? Knowing your audience: communication should be the cornerstone of your recall preparation. Contacting stakeholders by the methods they find most useful while customizing those messages with relevant content will increase the likelihood of reception and follow through. Verifying acknowledgements and disposition: It's not enough to engage stakeholders when a recall is in place. You need a system that tracks both stakeholder engagement and that all of your product is accounted for and disposed properly.
Iterating when gaps are identified: As the details of your recall event may change over time. You require the flexibility to pivot when new information is reported. Tracking results: Because the recall process is crucial to your business's crisis management plan, execution and effectiveness must be quantifiable so that these processes can be improved upon over time. And then finally, ensuring data quality: None of the above matters if you don't have the data to support your business processes. Ensuring that quality data is in place around products, store locations, distributors, suppliers, and contacts prior to your recall event will limit any potential points of failure.
CMX1's recall module is designed to empower recall teams with targeted stakeholder engagement across every event phase. Delving a bit deeper into the recall process, it is important to account for the flow of information as it pertains to these stakeholders beginning with how and why a recall is reported. Often the influence is external. A supplier identifies contamination in their products and notifies the grocer directly or the FDA conducts an investigation on a UPC and classifies it within their enforcement report. Other times the influence is internal, incidents regarding mold found with a specific brand of parmesan cheese are reported with enough regularity to justify an escalation event or a daily checklist includes findings that shipments of salad mix arrived wilted once identified a stakeholder reports the issue through a recall request to the recall team where they subsequently review the submitted information and determine the best course of action. The recall team then classifies the event and determines the impacted parties and pertinent stakeholders who should be notified, once notified impacted stakeholders report on the actions taken to dispose of the identified products.
Our recall module supports the way recall teams operate in the real world providing an adaptive toolkit for the entire event journey. The following slide offers a basic process flow that you can apply to any recall scenario. I'll gloss over some of these details as I don't want to take up too much of JT’s demo time, but at the top you'll find a timeline of activities associated with the recall event with an explanation of the communications automatically initiated through the recall module. As you can see, an escalation is initiated related to a high frequency of incidents perhaps tied to a specific UPC and lock code. The escalation triggers a recall request where the category manager collaborates with the recall team to define the known issues and the parties impacted. When the request is accepted the recall team defines a notification to impacted parties including a response form with action items and disposal requirements.
Other notifications can be defined for associated stakeholders such as district and area managers. Over time, the recall may change in scope, products could be added that justify new notifications to existing parties or new parties could be added to receive similar notifications. Alternatively, the scope could decrease and location groups could be closed out prior to the official recall closeout. At the bottom you can see a report, in orange you see a burnout chart of impacted parties and in green you can see a burnout chart of completed response forms as submitted by those impacted party contacts. And in blue you see the total identified products accounted for over the same timeline.
In addition, the recall event pertinent information is tracked and reported to inform various stakeholders engaged or not through the recall process. CMX1 offers an array of dashboards that support immediate and long-term decision-making. Role-based dashboards with hierarchical data provide a clear path forward for status, action and communication at all levels. Stakeholders can track these dashboards to determine if and how additional action should be taken. Also, comprehensive record keeping provides a history of past events for benchmarking performance over time. Past performance as measured through our system might highlight variations to existing approaches that may be applied to the next recall. And with that, I will hand off to JT for the demo.
Jeremy Thomas:
Thank you, Ben. We're going to take a few minutes today and really share some of the newer technologies surrounding the recall management application within the CMX1 platform. Many of you on this call may have seen previous webinars concerning the initiation of a recall and today our focus will be on some of the enhancements that our product team and developers have put in place to help to streamline processes and to outline and to demonstrate some of the workflows that Ben mentioned in his presentation. Today we're going to demonstrate a specific scenario, but note it is configurable and available to recalls that may happen across various industries. Our focus today is going to be on a grocery retailer and the recall that's in particular is a sample recall surrounding romaine lettuce due to a potential contamination. What we're going to demonstrate today is the initiation of a recall request from a product category manager.
You'll see this on the right-hand side. The recall request notified from the product category manager will then initiate and coordinate with the recall management team in order to initiate a recall or add to an existing recall. And in that process you'll see that we will identify the impacted products and parties. We'll create and configure the notification and response systems. We'll do the identification of impacted customers and customer notifications as well as we'll show you new features and capabilities around the integration with other internal systems such as point of sale systems and consumer websites. We'll show you the expansion of recalls so as recalls grow based on your investigation, how users can add additional impacted parties and impacted products to those recalls, we'll ensure that you have the ability to close out processes if you're a multi concept brand, the ability to close a recall for one brand and keep it enabled for another brand as they continue the disposal and disposition process.
And then finally, we're going to show you the dashboards for managing accountability and viewing the key metrics surrounding your recalls to help alleviate and eliminate any potential recalls or to provide that information that you might need in the event that government regulators come in and are looking for ways and the documentation around how you handle the recall. With that being said, let's go ahead and get started. I'm going to go ahead and pop over to my demo site here and as we discussed before, we're going to talk about the initiation of a recall request. On my screen here today I'm signed in as a product category manager. I'm responsible for the oversight of a product category. It could be a produce category manager or any other external or internal party that would request a recall from your organization. On the left hand side here, I have a quick link that allows me to request an event or I can see any event requests.
In this scenario, we're going to go ahead and request an event. So by clicking the button or the link on the left hand side, it takes me to a request form. This is an electronic request form that allows me to enter in the key information that was either provided to me by a supplier that I received from a recall from the government or other party, and then the ability to provide as much information about the impacted products and impacted parties to our recall management team as possible. So in this case, we're going to first of all specify a reporting party. This is going to be our supplier. For our example today this will be the CMX vegetable supplier and then we can place in the description of the recall. As a requester, we also have the ability to suggest the recall stage, so if the information for the stage of the recall was provided from the supplier or from the government, we have the ability to select that. But we can also do voluntary recalls, voluntary withdrawals, product holds and investigations through the request as well. We can attach the specific recall information that was provided to us as part of the request and it makes it very nice for us to be able to provide that information in our notifications.
Next, we can provide impacted products and impacted parties. For requesters, if they don't know the exact UPCs or other information, they can include a general description of the products and likewise, they can also do the same thing with impacted parties. If the impacted parties are unknown, they can specify that through a checkbox as well as provide a general description. In today's webinar, we're going to streamline the process by allowing the requester to specify individual products in UPCs. So I can choose this option here and choose add products, which gives me the ability to go in and select the UPCs and search for that information through our search capabilities. I can either start by typing in a UPC or other product identifier and then choose the selected product. This will pre-populate the information with the product information from the product database. If you don't know that information, you can always manually enter the product information there as well. You have the ability to populate other fields here and enter the information that will help during the product identifiable capabilities.
Lot information and another key identifier information can also be used to once again help with stores or other locations to identify product that they have on hand and to report on that availability. If necessary you can also include supplier information if it's known supplier and if you know the supplier or the requester knows the supplier, they can do that as well. If product disposition is required, the requester can then enter the type of disposition through the product disposition capabilities. For the course of our webinar today, we're going to ask that our stores and distribution centers dispose of any product that they have on hand due to the potential contamination here and then finally, the requester can enter the total amount of product that we're going to look for in the overall recall. Let's say today that we will do this for a hundred cases, so the cases that were produced in the lot or in the batch are a hundred cases, and then we can also add additional product identifiable photos here that allow us to further provide evidence and product identifiable information as it relates to the impacted products.
So I can choose product specific information and then add that to my list here and the ability to add to the list then updates that impacted products. Now we know that many of you may have multiple SKUs or other UPCs that might be impacted by a recall, so you can do the enter in the similar process through the ad products link or you can provide the general description and enable the recall management team to enter in this information as they initiate a recall or add this request to an existing recall. Next, let's take a look at the impacted parties. So by default, our impacted parties are unknown, but with a simple click, I can choose a general description of impacted parties that allows the recall management team to go out and provide that information or as a requester, if I know the stores, the distribution companies and other impacted parties that need to be communicated with, I can specify that as part of this initial request. Let's go ahead and create a new group here. This is going to allow us to specify the exact locations and distribution centers that might be involved in the recall. For the case of today, you'll notice three different options. I can search for all distribution companies from our data sources. We can search for all store locations or we can upload a store selection file via a spreadsheet if needed as well. We'll use one of these as we enter in our stores and for our stores we're going to look at all Food tiger stores in San Antonio, Texas.
You can see here that I have filters in place that allow me to filter by city, by concept, by state, or any other columns that are found in our store list. For the sake of time, I've pre-populated our filters here to save us the amount of time to be able to do that. We'll go ahead and click next here and this is then going to show us the impacted store count and we can save this information. This will be used automatically by the recall team as they initiate and start the communication with the recall. As we did with their products we can also add additional groups for communication and add this to the recalls there as well. With that being said, now as the category manager, now that I've completed all of the required information in our recall request, we're going to go ahead and hit submit here and that will notify the recall management team or the crisis management team that we need to initiate a recall or update a recall with added or additional information. You can see here that this created the request and assigned it to the recall coordinators within the organization. Also from the web portal, we can manage and track all event requests through the event request queue or report. This will show us the status of all requests, and as you can see here, we have one that's currently in review, but if I want to see all of our closed out requests, we can also see that information with the simple toggle of a button.
Now that we've initiated our request and we've shown you how a category manager or the requester can view the status of that, let's see how the recall management team can then handle these incoming requests and either initiate a new recall or add it to an existing recall. I'm going to sign out now and sign in as a member of the QA team. This member of the QA team also happens to be a part of the recall management team and we'll sign in as our and enter the site. Now the member of the QA team will also receive email communications and their tasks to be able to handle these requests automatically update the tasks on their screen. So as you can see here that I have my calendar of to-do items here. One of those has happened today. Calendars as you know and as you're aware, can be viewed by week, by day or in a task view. In the instance of our recall request today, we can see that we have one request that requires our attention. I'm going to go ahead and click on this request. This will allow that member of the recall team to review the request from the category manager. It will show all information that was selected. We can see who reported the request or who recorded the recall, the description of the recall as designated by the requester, as well as the suggested recall stage and additional information provided in the initial request.
Some organizations may have multiple users that are a part of the recall management team or dual recall coordinators. In the event that that happens, it allows the user who is notified of this to claim a request to show them and to provide reminder notifications. In this case, my user is Jeremy or JTQA. I'm going to go ahead and claim the request so that I can now start to work with this request as we're implementing and rolling out our recall. Once we've claimed the request, it's going to provide us with options of things to do. Down here at the bottom of the screen here. As I've scrolled out now as a member of the recall management team, I have four different options. I can reject the request and it will stop this request altogether. We can return it where we can enter in a reason for the return and it will notify the requester to update information or provide more information as needed.
We can initiate a new recall as highlighted in green down here in the bottom right-hand corner as well. This will start a new recall from scratch and allow us to set up all of the communication around that. Since we previously set up new recalls in prior webinars and other demonstrations, today we're going to focus on the expansion of an existing recall. Since we're dealing with romaine lettuce, there may already be an open recall in place and if we have multiple sources requesting that a recall happened, we can add them all to the same recall, which then allows us to track one recall with varying impacted parties and impacted products versus having to manage five or six different recalls for the same product. So this new functionality, we're going to go ahead and add this to an existing recall. So as a member of the recall management team here, as we add this to our recall, it allows us to select from a list of all of the open recalls. Okay, I've got multiple recalls that are currently open, but the one that we're going to add this to is our romaine lettuce due to potential listeria contamination.
We'll select this here and then we can add the new impacted products if they happen to be different from what's already there, and we can add the updated stores information to the request. We'll add to the active event, and now this will update the event with the new request as well as the updated impacted parties. Let's show you how this is done. As you can see here, now the request has been accepted. Email notifications are sent back to the requester that it has been requested, as well as additional emails will be sent out as we add to our communication. We're going to access the recall and provide additional communication and enhance this with the new information. So let me show you here. Since this was an existing recall, we can see everything that has happened in the recall up to date in our timeline. For those of you that have leveraged our recall modules in the past, you'll know that this is standard out of the box functionality.
Well, what you'll also notice that's new here is the ability to see any recall requests that have been used as part of this particular recall. So we had our initial requests that happened on April 3rd, and now we have our follow on request that happened today. We can also see related incidents or add related incidents, internal notes, and monitor all notifications that have been sent out through our tabs at the top of the recall. On the right hand side in the upper right hand corner, we've added a new monitoring dashboard that we're going to show in more detail a little bit later, but this is going to allow you to see what has happened up until this point. One thing that you will note in this monitoring dashboard is the area highlighted in red the upper left-hand corner. These are the new impacted queue skews or products and the updated store information as has come through in this secondary request. So let's go out and update the particular recall with the new information. First, let's go into our impacted products. As we access this, you're now going to see that there's two impacted products here that have been added. These could be based on varying SKUs or SKUs that may contain romaine lettuce. If we needed to update and add additional SKUs, we could do that by selecting the add new products here as well. Since we didn't specify the supplier in the initial request, it shows it as NA.
The next thing that we can do is we can update our impacted parties, and this is going to allow us to resend communication to these impacted parties. The additional parties will be pre-populated from the request information. So you can see the initial communications went out to the DC’S in Texas and store locations in Houston, but we're now updating it with the additional four store locations in San Antonio as was set up in the initial request. If I want to create new or add additional recipients or impacted parties to receive the communication, just as with our impacted products, we can create our new groups here.
We'll go back to our summary here and we'll go into our next area, which is the notification and response management. Okay, here I can resend the updated information. Okay, and all that it takes is for us to be able to clone and modify these so we can see existing notifications have previously been sent out on April 3rd, and we're updating it with the expanded information provided in the new request. So let's go ahead and clone this here, and we're going to choose the new impacted parties here. We've already sent information to the distribution centers in Texas as well as the stores in our previous. For today's scenario, we're going to send it to the stores that were recommended by the requester in San Antonio, Texas. Then we can configure the email. We can use our corporate logo from our website. We can choose to have no logo or if it's a brand specific recall and you support multiple brands, you can choose those particular brands and the logo for that. In our case, it's Food Tiger and we're going to choose the Food Tiger logo. The email subject and body are configurable, as well as you can include any email attachments and send the information from there.
As many of you're familiar with, you can also send text alerts as well as voicemail in the event that they don't respond to the applicable email within the given amount of timeframe. Today, we're just going to choose the additional SKUs that were updated from the request and then we can enter any additional product identifiable information in there and update our communication. Add any SKU number or other product identifiable information from there, and then add any additional information that we might see. If a user wants to add additional photos to it, a user has the ability to do that as well to help further identify the information.
Finally, after we've completed the disposition form, we can move through the step-by-step wizard. That will allow us to add additional recipients as well as to initiate or launch the recall. You'll notice across the top the easy simple four steps allows us to do that. If I want to add the PR department or legal teams to allow them to manage it just like we set up our notifications before we have the ability to do that with additional recipients. For sake of time today, we're going to go ahead and bypass this and then we're going to confirm and send the notification. You can preview it by sending it to yourself. You can schedule the notification to be sent out at a future date. You can choose the expected timeframe for a response, and then with that being said, you can send the notification. The system automatically generates all of the updated notifications, or new notifications that are configured, and we'll then send the notifications to the impacted parties.
In addition to doing this, as you're going to see here momentarily, you have the ability to send up notifications to your impacted customers as well as it supports the integration with additional systems, and this is new functionality that we'll show you as well. Depending on the number of recipients that are there, the system, we'll send out the request to that and it can range from anywhere in our situation to four to hundreds of users and it will auto-create the monitoring dashboard for you to be able to monitor this in real time. Let me show you really quick what has happened, so now I'm pulling onto my screen, the email for the impacted stores and or distribution centers for our webinar today. I've set all of these alerts to come to my user so that you're able to see that, so each individual store will receive an email and within that they'll receive a link to the actual disposition form. All the user has to do is to click on the link and it will take them to the product identifiable information and all of the disposition instructions and details for the particular recall. You can see this one is for romaine lettuce. We can see where it's produced by and then we can pull that information and we can choose whether they have stock of that or not.
They can add it for multiple products, so they may have stock of one product from one supplier and not have stock on the other. Contact information can be entered in, so that in the event that the recall management team needs to get ahold of somebody, they have the ability to do that. Upon completion of that, excuse me, it thanks them for their response and they can close down the site. In parallel, all other stores and impacted parties may receive the same email. The uniqueness of the email comes within the link to the disposition form. This ensures that each individual store or impacted party is able to report the amount of product that they have on hand for the different SKUs or other information and to illustrate some of the reporting I'm going to add just a few more of these here and submit that information. Alright, now that we've done that, I'm going to go ahead and close this out and I'm going to sign back in as the member of the recall team. And here we see our monitoring notification and dashboard. If I refresh this, you're going to see in real time the amount of product and the other information that was submitted here. We can see who's opened their emails, how many have acknowledged the emails, we can see who's completed the response and disposition form and of this how much product has been accounted for. This may look familiar to those of you that have leveraged the recall management or seen demos of the recall management capabilities in the past. The details of each of those components can be found in the tabs across the top here.
It also shares with us the amount of product that's on hand and accounted for and the effectiveness of this as well. Now, we could go into a lot more detail here about that, but I want to show you some of the additional functionality that can happen also at the same time. You'll notice on here that there's additional fields in this including the impacted customers, customer notifications and our integrated systems management capabilities. All located on the summary page just below our notification and response. There may be many of you that have a loyalty database of customers that keeps track of the product that is sold to those customers. We now support the ability to pull information in from those systems. A user, you can go out and run a query on your customer loyalty for anyone that may have purchased in this case romaine lettuce. You can export that information out of those systems and then import that customer information here for the management of the notifications. Since this is an existing recall, some of this has already happened, but we're going to add to this request for additional customers that may be impacted from the new SKU. I can create a new group and what this allows me to do is to upload a customer file that has been filtered and exported out of your customer loyalty database.
I'm going to update the customer information and load that into the system and from the import file, it automatically creates the information related to those customers. You can see here that we have seven Food Tiger customers with emails and phone numbers associated. I can save this information and then send a recall communication out to our impacted customers. This enables you to notify the customers for a full refund. You can now configure a customer notification very similar to how we did our impacted stores and distribution centers. We can create a new notification and document the information in there.
Just as we saw before, you can add a brand specific logo as well as the option to have no logo on top of that, and then a user has the ability to include any attachments, text messages, or voicemails to be sent out to the customers as well. Just as we saw before, you can send a preview, you can schedule a date to do that and send a notification. The notifications will be sent out exactly the same way that it was to the stores for the sake of time in today's demo okay, we're going to bypass sending this notification and we're going to show you the last piece of added functionality that can really make a difference as you integrate with existing systems. You'll notice the last option here allows for the integration or integrated systems management. What this does is it allows you to communicate with existing systems such as point of sale systems or consumer websites where you can export the information out of the CMX platform to a secured FTP site or other designated site where those systems can come in and grab the information and update their systems. In our last, we set up a point of sale integration to the clover point of sale system, and as you can see it generated the file. We'll show you how you can do that by adding it to a consumer website.
We can show the impacted products and then you can post the text that you want on the website and format it the way that you want it. You create an activate the integration and it will generate the XML files that the consumer website and those other systems can then import in and update the information there as well. Finally, we'll show you two related things as it relates to our reporting and dashboards. Number one, we've seen all of the interaction between the request, the updating of recalls or the creation of new ones. Now let's focus in a little bit on the tools that are available for you to monitor and track this. As you can see here, the new monitoring dashboards allows you to see all the details of the recalls. You can see the number of impacted products, the amount of stores, distribution centers and customers where emails have actually been sent. You can see the communications that have been sent out, and from here you can directly start a closeout process. So as you can see here, we've got two communications, one that was sent out back in April and one that was sent out today. We know the one that was sent out today is still in progress, but let's say that we've accounted for all of the product in our previous communication. I can start a closeout process specific to the requests that were involved in the recall, so we can initiate a closeout for our initial request and then continue to have our open requests available as we're managing the recall. On top of that, as we're managing this from the recall management team, we also have dashboards at your disposal to be able to view the status of all of your recalls, and for the last minute or two here, I'm going to show you that. I'm going to go back to my home screen as the user and we're going to dive into the business intelligence library of this particular user. As you're all well aware, our integration with some of the industry leading business intelligence tools allows us to create and monitor the performance of really all of the data that's gathered through CMX. For today's webinar, let's show you the sample recall overview.
This is going to allow you to filter and manage and see the status of all of your recalls, whether it's adjusting the status of your open and closed recalls, the different stages of the recalls or managing our product types through our product categories. We can adjust the filters. If we want to monitor all of our produce recalls, for example, simply hovering over the product category of produce will show us all of the recalls for that meet that particular category. Here we've got romaine lettuce and two recalls for different types of iceberg lettuce. I can also select on that product category and the dashboard will automatically filter to when those recalls happen, whether they're still opened or closed, and then we can see a recall timeline of how long it actually took to manage those recalls, whether they're still opened and or closed. We can also see the various recalls and the stages of the recalls here on the left hand side.
We can spend a lot more time diving into this in more detail, but as some of you are aware, okay, you can also export any of this information out the raw data to A PDF to PowerPoints. You can subscribe to these dashboards to have them automatically delivered to your email inbox on a scheduled basis or based on an alert for a specific threshold, or if you're a user with the appropriate access rights, you can edit these dashboards and adjust your default filters and other visualizations to allow you to do that. As we continually to work on improving the recall functionality hopefully you've seen some of the areas that we've provided improvement on over the last several months. I'm going to turn it back over now to Ben to summarize what you've seen today and we'll give you the opportunity to ask any questions.
Ben Terris:
All right, well hopefully we've offered a relatable example for how the recall module can facilitate an impactful and manageable end-to-end recall process. We're running out of time here, but a couple thoughts before we wrap this up. First, as we've discussed at the beginning of our call, managing recalls can be a complex and evolutionary process in which execution and accountability are paramount to the events' overall success. Through client feedback and constant iteration, we've delivered a solution that can easily and efficiently facilitate an array of distinct recall events. More so the implementation is designed to make this process relatively effortless. Nonetheless, the feature continues to transform as we receive feedback from our customers in the overall market. We'll be happy to discuss our roadmap with all those who are interested. And then finally, we've included several metrics on this slide that we believe help justify a transition to the CMX1 recall module. First metrics 700 that represents the percent increase of unit recalled under the authority of the FDA during the 2022 calendar year relative to 2021.
This is based on a 2023 study conducted by the Sedgwick Organization, second metric, 10 million that represents the estimated average cost of a Class one through Class three food recall in the United States. This is based on a study conducted by the Grocery Manufacturers Association and the Food Marketing Institute. That number simply counts for the direct cost to the company, such as the retrieval and disposal of recalled products. It does not include indirect costs such as lawsuits, damage to the company or product's reputation and sales losses. These statistics may or may not be surprising to you, but they are a clear indicator that recalls are not going away and the cost is ever increasing. That said, there are ways to mitigate the cost of your average recall, and that's why CMX1 is here, which brings us to our third metric, 1.5 to 2, which represents the estimated return on investment multiplier for customers using our quality and risk management solutions. This is not a made up number. This is based on a third party ROI study conducted by JLA advisors, and we'll be happy to send this study to you upon request. In that note, transitioning over to Chris for final thoughts.
Chris Rice:
Thank you, Ben. Thanks, JT. That was awesome. So we did have one question. I thought I'd pause it here to the group. It's a good question illuminating about what our product does. So the question was how does the system engage operations leaders above store in parentheses during an event? So to break this down for you, let's say there's 90 stores and you have three VPs and they each have 30 stores, and then you have nine district managers, they each have 10 stores, so each of those individuals will get a notification about the event and that notification will have links and that will bring them into their own customized dashboards. The dashboards that JT showed that had multiple tabs, and each of those individuals, the VPs would see 30, the district managers would see 10 stores, they'd see what's the status of each store, did they get the notification, did they click on the notification? Did they submit their response forms, and how many cases of product did they have? So in that way, the system's engaging folks above the store to get everybody aligned, everybody on the same page, working towards the same goal to get the product pulled, which if it's a serious safety concern, I mean really that's what you want. You want the whole organization pulling in one direction. So yeah, great question there. So in terms of next steps, as I said, we will be sending out a link. Anybody that couldn't attend that wants to check this out, also our prior webinars are available, and then you see the email there, Shameless plug, but reach out to your customer success manager or to sales if you want to explore working with this module more. And with that, I will give everybody back three minutes of their day and we'll close things out. Thank you so much again for attending, and we will see you next time. bye-bye.
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